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Construction partner for investors, shipping companies and governments

Wind energy is clean and comes from a source that never depletes. Wind provides returns for people and nature. This makes wind farms a nice, sustainable investment. It is then important that the construction of the wind farm goes smoothly. Which is where Leaf construction comes in. Leaf construction serves energy companies and other investors, shipping companies and governments during the entire construction phase of a wind farm, thus helping to accelerate the energy transition.

Nicest return

We strive for measurable results and the best returns for the planet. The wind energy sector is expanding. Investors like pension funds and banking consortia are becoming increasingly interested. An important motive behind the rising investment in wind energy is the decreasing cost. The share of investments in offshore wind energy in particular has quadrupled in recent years. Wind energy is booming and requires guidance from specialists for a safe and efficient implementation.

Offshore knowhow

Leaf construction knows the tricks of the trade and ensures that returns for people and the planet can start as soon as possible. We also like to contribute our expertise in construction management onshore for the (end) customer.

Greener world

Leaf construction’s mission is to enable offshore wind to contribute to a greener world. Wind turbines generate power without polluting the air, without harming the climate and without depleting raw materials. During the twenty-year lifespan of a wind turbine, it produces up to 80 times more energy than it takes to build one.

Support wind farm construction

Leaf construction can support energy companies, investors and governments throughout the project or in parts of the process. Think of offshore logistics for shipping companies. We are happy to discuss how we can help.

Contact us

Need a construction manager for your green investment?