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Dynamic force at Leaf construction

Jesper Knoester is the dynamic force behind Leaf construction. After graduating in mechanical engineering, he spent thirteen years acquiring experience on the customer and contractor side. He learned all the tricks of the trade at well-known names like Eneco, Van Oord and Boskalis, one of the big dredging companies. Sustainable energy flows through his veins. Wind energy as a source for millions of households is what drives him. He is clear about how to achieve this: efficiently and safely. Returns for people and the planet, that is what it is all about.

Managing time and budget

Together with a team of selected subcontractors, Leaf construction manages everything involved in the construction of complex wind farms. Where necessary, Knoester advises in the development and permit phase. Leaf ensures that everything is done according to the procedures and agreements in the contract. Client representatives offshore report to Leaf construction. Jesper Knoester: ‘We are the linchpin for the end customer, ensuring that schedules are met and agreements are kept.’

Contact us

Do you want a smooth construction process for your wind farm too?